Monday, November 28, 2022


Today I practice being in love
Not a jumpy, romantic love - 
That blushing new love that takes our breath away.
Today I practice being in love with the moment
This moment, with its peace and comfort
This quiet breath
The two cats snuggled in, somewhere in the next room
The full refrigerator
So many people who love me, right this second
    no matter my mistakes.

Love, liberator of the fretful mind
Fills my lungs with sweet freshness
Making colors soft, and now, more vivid
I can wait all day in traffic with this love
I can smile at strangers, 
Breathe through the pain,
walk softly on the earth
    feeling the pressure and temperature
    of her blessed body
    under the soles of my perfect feet.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Coast Trip!

My sister, Kim, and I spent Saturday and Sunday in Yachats for a little holiday shopping. We had a blast as always. The shops there are quaint little gems. Some are specialty gift shops, like the kitchen gadget place. Others are a random mish-mash, like the mercantile that has everything from finger puppets to plumbing. I bought some felted wool catnip toys there, for Thelma and Louise.

We patronized The Drift Inn 3 times! That place is awesome. We considered other options, but when looking at vibe, menu, and whether or not there is a full bar, The Drift Inn has it all. For dinner we ordered the rib eye with gorgonzola balsamic reduction and the coconut crusted halibut, then split them between us. It was transcendent. I followed my usual vacation bloody mary protocol. Kim went for her usual mimosas, but then threw imbibement tradition on its head with a couple of white russians! The scandal!

Driving there was maybe the least stressful it's ever been. Nobody followed too closely on the winding roads or passed dangerously close to oncoming traffic. The low autumn sun filtered golden light beams through the forest as we headed west. The ocean was calm, skies were blue. Just perfect.


Friday, November 11, 2022

Let's Try This Again!

I first wrote a draft of this post in Word. I was excited to try my hand as a personal blogger for the first time! Then when looking for a hosting site, I found this forgotten blog of mine from 2015! It's totally what I intended to create but now don't have to! I'm somewhat surprised at how similar my thoughts are/were. I guess I haven't changed much, which is fine. Anyway, here we go...

There are a handful of bloggers I enjoy reading, and find myself wishing they would post more often. This leads me to ask, why not me? I like to write, I’m constantly overthinking everything, and journaling helps me sort things out. A regular blog could be a healing activity. And if it helps me, it could help others or at least provide some entertainment! 

What I like about my favorite blogs: 

    • Regular posts 

I like a writer who posts at least once a week 

    • Not too long, only occasionally too short 

Reading blogs, for me, is a much needed break from social media and the news. I don’t want to read pages of content. On the other hand, I like a nice little story or insight. I think the ideal is about the equivalent of one typed page. Every now and then, one of my faves will write a briefer post, either following up on something from a recent post or as a check-in when they haven’t posted in a while. I like this. It tidies up loose ends and soothes separation anxiety. 

     • Personally engaging 

When I feel drawn to a blog, it is because I enjoy the writer’s perspective and admire their willingness to share it. One reason I haven’t done a personal blog before, is that I worry I will embarrass myself with said sharing. I have faults! Sometimes I don’t see them until they’ve been exposed! Yikes! 

That said I love reading about people’s lives. The everyday struggles and triumphs, relationships, hobbies, frustrations…and the coping skills to manage it all. People need to feel connected to community. We feel validated and less alone when we see others are struggling in similar ways to us. I find it soothing to read a blog about a lazy weekend, or a shitty day at work and how it’s finally over. 

I’ll try to follow my own guidelines. 

It’s Friday. I always have a to-do list for the weekend. This time it’s: yard clean-up, truck tune-up, and holiday craft-up! Typically, Monday rolls around to find list completion somewhat lacking. I really need to get that tune-up done though. I’ve been putting it off and it’s supposed to be a dry weekend. Gitterdone! Bevrolet the Chevrolet and I have a date!

Happy Weekend!