Monday, June 19, 2023

Find me
Don't find me.
I'm here for you
Just not today.

They're reaching out.
The heart says
Take a number,
But they won't wait.
Some bang on the door,
Some walk away,
Others burn the place to the ground.
I said wait
I said I don't have room for more of you
I said I'm crumbling, can't you see?

And I crumble.
Just small bits at first,
Then like a fully burned log
 which has somehow maintained its shape,
I crumble to dust at the slightest disturbance.
No one can put me back together now.

I am all burned up
Cool ash in the fireplace
I am nirvana 
Dancing through infinite space

Find me
In the harmonic galaxy
That is our shared heart.
I am here with you. 

photo by Billy Smith

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Gratitude Poem #19

What a gift
  To live this life
    In human form!
To feel touch
  and wind,
 deep emotion
   like undulating 
     waves on the sea
To see and hear
    nuanced and garish
   as it pours through
     and around
       this body.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

 It's been awhile, I guess I better give a report!

I'm in a gift season currently, which is fun. For Mother's Day, I wrote mom a list of 50 things about her that I am grateful for. It was fun to think up! Lots of memories came through and it was surprisingly easy to get to 50. I thanked her for my Wonder Woman Underoos. I wish I still had them. 

I had a birthday event this past weekend and made a mix CD for my bandmate, Mr. Random. I always enjoy making these, but this one was extra fun because he wanted 'interesting/weird' music. I figured anything I am familiar with is probably also known to him, so I dove into Spotify and found lots of new stuff. It's a gift for both of us!

In work news, I'm finishing a small set of custom cherry door/window trim for some friends. I'm also about to embark on managing my own payroll rather than going through a service. Math! Details! I'm into it! 

What have you been up to?

Monday, May 1, 2023

Gratitude Poem #7

 Heart of the world
drums her landscape
in my chest.

From her dark hollows
I reach out
on the up beat -
in, on the down. 

Now you are beside me.
We reach out
on the up
in, on the down
Loving in synchronous time,
Polyphonous parade of divine.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Gratitude Poem #4

 Good Morning,
Divine Being.
Let's wrap each other
in sun warm arms
and weep for the 
magic of love.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Self Care

Yesterday I had a panic attack. It lasted about 9 hours, off and on. That's a pretty significant stretch for me. My longest last about a day and half. At the short end, it's usually under an hour. 

I don't feel super comfortable talking about this, but I know I'm not alone in the experience. As Ram Dass said, "We're all just walking each other home", so maybe by sharing I can help others feel comfortable opening up. This profoundly healing work is best done within a safe, loving, and compassionate community. 

That said, I don't typically reach out for support during the actual experience. It's difficult to verbally communicate through the crying and unclear thinking. Instead, I tend to reach out anonymously toward my favorite teachers (online and print) and into my own heart. Afterward, I can process it with real people if I need to.
My experience always starts with a trigger. This trigger could simply be my mind ruminating on the past, something someone said/did, or surprising noises/movements. I don't typically know I'm panicking at first, then before long I'm uncontrollably crying with a deep sense of emotional pain. Physically, my heart rate increases, temperature rises and I feel tightness in my stomach, heart and throat. 

This has been happening since I was a child, but has been most impactful when triggered at work. Suddenly I'm crying and cannot stop. I go into the bathroom to wait it out, but the harder I try to stop it, the more power the pain seems to have. It's embarrassing and has made me feel like such a weirdo, and not in the cool way!

Yesterday it started in the morning. I won't go into the triggers, but know I was alone and safe in my apartment. The feeling at first is that normal thinking starts to spiral in. Tighter and more rapid thoughts fill my awareness and I start to feel out of control. As perceived self-control leaves, panic steps in (the heart racing and all that) and I always start crying. Within seconds my face is hot and red, tears are blurring my vision and sinuses are full. 

By now I have some coping skills. I no longer try to stop it. As I said, that tends to make it worse and it never works anyway. Instead, I acknowledge that I'm having a breakdown. I take the day off and allow my body to move through it as I gently guide my mind and spirit toward healing activities. This time I listened to a talk on healing trauma, watched some videos on gratitude, attended an online meditation group, read some relevant articles and spent a lot of time meditating on my specific circumstance. By about 6 pm I felt better, kind of numb and exhausted, but calm and peaceful. 

I've been working to heal my mental health issues for a long time and am starting to see it all from a wider vantage point. It's like a treasure map, worn and illegible in places, but filled with delightful possibilities of unknown treasures to be found.

Thank you for walking me home.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Mountain Love

 I am the mountain

dressed in fir.

Glittering streams bejewel

my sides

as I sit 

solid and yours

beneath the sun.